Monday, 30 July 2012

The Wood Duck

After seeing the little watercolour ducks I'd painted (see "Quack" post for photos) my mums boss asked if she thought I could paint wood ducks, she just loves wood ducks and who can blame her, they are so beautiful!
So my gorgeous mother commissioned me to paint one for her as a gift. Now, I don't think Mrs. M follows my blog so it's pretty safe to post a picture of the painting here without ruining the surprise...

So here it is. The Wood Duck. Oil on linen panel. 26 x 28cm. 2012.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

A foray in to Printmaking

I have had the pleasure of being invited to participate in Rona Greens' Beautiful Soup printmaking folio exchange and exhibition. (I'll post more details in the coming weeks)

I was very honored to be invited to make a work for this show, but naturally quite nervous about doing a poor job of it.

Not having had experience with printmaking
 and only having only the most basic tools
 at my disposal, I set about creating my first Linocut, a reduction lino, with 3 colours.

After weeks of research and planning, I took a deep breath and jumped in to the unknown, the dark art of printmaking, with surprising results.

I didn't do too bad a job of it and had a lot of fun in the process.
 I really enjoyed the focus and care required for such a meticulous process and I'm looking forward to bringing more printmaking in to my practice.